Sarenna is down 81 POUNDS!

Sarenna is down 81 POUNDS!

I finally hit 169lbs today!! I'm so so SO close to my goal, 160/165lbs. I haven't been as strict on everything lately, but still staying on track which is awesome.
I've had a few moments where I've indulged, but I no longer binge eat which is a huge win for me.
The pic on the left was December 2021. That was the day of my daughter's piano recital. It was a packed house and we had to stand...I was miserable y'all. My legs hurt, I was so sweaty, but I wanted to wear a sweater and feel pretty. When I left my house that night I felt pretty and I looked cute, but man ..I was so uncomfortable.
The pic on the right was from last weekend and I wore this for an event..all day long. I even had a puffer jacket on over this for most of the event, because I was so cold. I'm not used to being cold, especially while wearing a sweater! Lol. But I was so comfortable and felt so so cute!
I finally feel comfortable in my own skin and let me tell y'all, that feels so amazing. Also, I have loose skin and a bit of a belly still, so things aren't smooth and flat, but honestly...I don't care, because I love what I see and I love how I feel.
I've said it before and I'll say it again..but I'm so thankful for Tiffany My Adventure to Fit and this group. Without her and her knowledge and passing it all on to this group, I would still be miserable and unhappy. The number on the scale is awesome to see, but it's not the main reason why I do this anymore and that's exactly what I was hoping for when I started this journey. ❤️ Finally peace within myself and peace with food.
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